
Tradition & Transition is governed and equally represented by two bodies, the Nunatsiavut Government and Memorial University. The Executive Board assures administrative and financial oversight, while the Project Management Committee offers direction to the principal investigator and staff, reviews individual research projects for approval, and assists in the planning of events and publications. The Project Management Committee is structured with representation from all Nunatsiavut communities, including youth and Elders, with its members bringing a wide range of research interests to the table.

In addition to the governance structure, Tradition & Transition is working with the Inuit Qaujisarvingat (Inuit Knowledge Centre) at Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami to provide an independent evaluation of the partnership at strategic points on the project's timeline.

The current membership of the Tradition & Transition governing bodies is:

Executive Board

Signing Officer, Nunatsiavut Government

Isabella Pain

Signing Officer, Memorial University

Neil Bose

Community Representative, Nunatsiavut

Belinda Webb

University Representative, Memorial

Lisa Rankin


Andrea Quigley

Project Management Committee

Co-chair, Memorial

Lisa Rankin

Co-chair, Nunatsiavut

Belinda Webb


Andrea Quigley


Andrea Procter (Memorial, St. John's)

Valeri Pilgrim (Nunatsiavut, St. John's)

Michelle Davies (Memorial, Nain)

Silpa Suarak (Nunatsiavut, Nain)

Hans Rollmann (Memorial, St. John's)

Don Dicker, Sr (Nunatsiavut, Nain)

Claude Sheppard (Nunatsiavut, Postville)

Heather Igloliorte (Concordia, Montreal)

Amy Prouty (Concordia, Montreal)

Jessica Winters (Nunatsiavut, Makkovik)

Beverly Hunter (Nunatsiavut, Hopedale)

Inez Shiwak (Nunatsiavut, Rigolet)


Principal Investigator

Project Coordinator

Image credit: Garmel Rich. Grass Fruit Basket (2015). Grass, raffia. 10.2 x 26.7 cm. Collection of the Nunatsiavut Government. Image: Ned Pratt Photography, courtesy The Rooms. As presented in the touring exhibition SakKijâjuk: Art and Craft of Nunatsiavut, organized by The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery Division.